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 Year of Improvement

The author’s evening of the composer Alexandra Pakhmutova

Date: 17.03.2022 beginning at 19:00
Category: Popular music

The author’s evening of the composer Alexandra Pakhmutova

National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich

Conductor – Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus

Alexander Kremko

Soloist – Olga Kolesnikova

Guests of the program are Igor Zadorozhny and Vyacheslav Isachenko

Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova is a legend of Soviet and Russian composer art, People’s Artist of the USSR. Several generations have grown up on her works. The musical biography of Alexandra Pakhmutova has more than 400 songs that millions of people in our country know and sing – “Tenderness” and “Hope”, “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” and “The Team of our Youth”, “Melody” and “Old Maple”. Many of them remain real hits today.

The idea of holding a creative evening of the composer to the National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich was proposed by a young, talented and charming artist, soloist of the Youth Estrade Theatre, winner of the television song contest of young performers “ATLANTIC BREEZE”, Miami, Florida, winner of the song contest in Jurmala and many others Olga Kolesnikova.

Olga shared that her formation as a pop artist took place on the songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova. It was her songs that allowed the young artist to learn to convey the deep meaning of the composer’s works and experience the fate of their heroes on stage. The song “Tenderness” is one of them. Perhaps the most sweetheart – for the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth – Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. This song, written in 1965, remains popular and beloved today. It is dedicated to the French writer and poet Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Soviet pilots and cosmonauts, people of the highest moral training, people who could truly dream and love. Not every performer will soulfully convey the deep meaning that the author Nikolai Dobronravov put into the verses to this song: “It was not the pilot himself who was important to me, but the person who looked at the Earth, the Universe from there through the eyes of a poet, I needed a poet”…

Recall many of favorite songs by the composer Alexandra Pakhmutova, the National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich and soloist Olga Kolesnikova invite you on December 3 to the Big concert hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society.

The concert is attended by the soloist of the National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich, laureate of international competitions Igor Zadorozhny and Vyacheslav Isachenko.

Information provided by the direction of the National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich

The author’s evening of the composer Alexandra Pakhmutova