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 Year of Improvement

“On the Border of Winter Wonders”: Ensemble of the Border Service Institute of the Republic of Belarus

Date: 09.01.2025 beginning at 19:00
Category: Brass band


Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus

Ensemble of the Border Service Institute of the Republic of Belarus

Head of the ensemble – Chief Military Conductor Sergei Polchobot


On January 9, a concert of the Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus, the Ensemble of the State Educational Institution “Border Service Institute of the Republic of Belarus”, dedicated to the most magical holiday - New Year, will be held in the Big Concertt Hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

The winners of numerous awards at national and international competitions never cease to amaze their audience. Each concert of the ensemble is always a festive musical event with exquisite expressive means. The repertoire of the Ensemble under the direction of Sergei Polchobot includes compositions that have become favorites of different generations of viewers – from always relevant classics to modern melodies. The beauty of orchestral music, the richness and sincerity of poetic words, the highest skill of performers and musicians, choreographic numbers combined with colorful video accompaniment – all this will create an unforgettable festive and at the same time soulful atmosphere of an extraordinary evening. The concert program “On the Border of Winter Wonders” is a grandiose celebration of music, soulfulness and beauty, captivating with its sincerity and power of emotional impact!


Рождественская программа «На границе зимних чудес»: Ансамбль Института пограничной службы Республики Беларусь