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 Year of Improvement

Choral music concert: in memory of Igor Zhuravlenko

Date: 21.05.2022 beginning at 15:00
Category: Chorus music

Belarusian Union of Musical Figures

Association of Boys and Youth Choir Leaders of the Belarusian Union of Musical Figures


In memory of the Teacher, Conductor and Musician Igor Zhuravlenko

Boys and Youths Choir named after I.A. Zhuravlenko of the Republican Gymnasium-College at the Belarusian State Academy of Music

Head – Semyon Klimanov

Exemplary Boys Choir “Parus” of the Children’s Musical School of Arts No.2 named after N.I.Aladov of Minsk

Head – Maria Vlasyuk

Exemplary Boys and Youths choir “Solovushka” of the Secondary School No.133 of Minsk

Head – Andrey Kuntsevich

Exemplary Boys Choir of Gymnasium No.3 named after A.S.Pushkin of Vitebsk

Head – Alexey Lyakhnovich

Boys Choir “Cantus” of the Children’s Musical School of Arts No.19 of Minsk

Head – Elena Abramovich

Junior Boys Choir of the Republican Gymnasium-College at the Belarusian State Academy of Music

Head – Olga Izhik

Vocal Youths Ensemble of the choir department of the Republican Gymnasium-College at the Belarusian State Academy of Music

Head – Svetlana Kuntsevich

Host – Inna Karpuk

Director – Anatoly Varlakhin


Концерт хоровой музыки: памяти Игоря Журавленко