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 Year of Improvement

“Classics for All”: State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus, conductor – Alexander Anisimov

Date: 18.03.2021 beginning at 19:00
Category: Symphonic music

Concert cycle “CLASSICS FOR ALL”

State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus

Chief Conductor – People’s Artist of Belarus Alexander Anisimov

Soloists – winners of international competitions

Ekaterina Mihnovets mezzo-soprano

Daria Eliseeva flute

Dmitry Gorbachuk flugelhorn

The concert is attended by:

Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus

State Academic Choral Chapel named after G.Shirma

Chief Conductor – Olga Yanum

I. A. Zhuravlenko Boys’ Choir of the Republican Gymnasium-College of the Belarusian State Academy of Music

Directors – Semyon Klimanov, Olga Izhik

Children’s Choir of the Children’s Music School of Arts No.10 named after E.A.Glebov of Minsk

Head – Alexey Klimovich

Piano duet Natalia Kotova-Gromovа and Valery Borovikov

Conductor – People’s Artist of Belarus Alexander Anisimov


J.S.Bach – Suite fo Flute and String Orchestra

I.Stravinsky – “Symphony of Psalms” for choir and orchestra

G.Mahler – Symphony No.3 in D minor

«Классика для всех»: Государственный академический симфонический оркестр Республики Беларусь, дирижёр – Александр Анисимов