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 Year of Improvement

Concert cycle “Masterpieces of the World Organ Art”: Daniel Zaretsky (St Petersburg)

Date: 08.11.2022 beginning at 19:00
Category: Organ

I department


J.S.Bach – Fantasia in G Major (Piece d’Orgue), BWV 572

– Four choral fantasies

– Prelude and fugue in B Minor, BWV 544

II department


R.Schumann – Two Fugues on a Theme “BACH”

F.Liszt – “Solace” in D flat Major

– Choral Fantasy “Nun danket alle Gott”

– “Ave Maria”

– Prelude and fugue to “BACH”

Concert cycle “Masterpieces of the World Organ Art”


Honoured Artist of Russia

Professor, laureat “Organist of the Year 2020” award

Daniel Zaretsky (St Petersburg)

Musicologist – Candidate of Arts Olga Savitskaya


Daniel Zaretsky graduated from the Leningrad State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov as an organist (class of Professor N.I.Oksentyan) and pianist (class of Professor E.V.Bazanov), as well as postgraduate studies at the Kazan State Conservatory (class of Professor R.K.Abdullin) and the Music Academy named after J.Sibelius in Helsinki (class of Professor K.Jussilla).He took part in master classes of such famous organists as Guy Beauvais, Jean Guillou, Marie Claire Alain, Harald Vogel, Ludger Lohmann, Piet Kee, Jun Laukvik, Sigmund Satmari.

He is a laureate of the All-Russian Open Organ Competition (1991; I prize), the International Organ Competition in Germany, and a diploma winner at international organ competitions in Italy and Finland.

Daniel Zaretsky has been performing since 1986. Organist performed in the best concert halls of the former USSR. He actively tours in Europe, as well as in the USA, Israel, Australia and South America.

Recorded 7 CDs. Member of the jury of a number of prestigious international competitions in Russia, Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Canada.

From 1997 to 2007 – organist of the St Petersburg Academic Philharmonic named after D.D.Shostakovich. From 2002 to 2007 – Associate Professor of the Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory named after M.I.Glinka in the organ class, since 2006 – Professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon of the Faculty of Arts of St.Petersburg State University, since 2007 – Associate Professor, and since 2011 – Head of the Department of Organ and Harpsichord of the St.Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov. Many students of Daniel Zaretsky became laureates of international and all-Russian competitions.

Цикл концертов «Шедевры мирового органного искусства»: Даниэль Зарецкий (Санкт-Петербург)