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 Year of Improvement

Grand openning of the 13th Yuri Bashmet International Music Festival

Date: 10.10.2018 beginning at 20:00
Category: Symphonic music

Л. ван Бетховен, Ф.Шуберт, В.Воронов - Концерт для альта и фортепиано с оркестром (мировая премьера) 

“On 10 October at 20.00 o’clock the Grand opening of the 13th Yuri Bashmet International Music Festival will take place in the Big Hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society.

The “Grammy” prize winners Moscow Soloists chamber orchestra under the baton of Peopl’'s Artist of the USSR and Russia Yuri Bashmet will play the concert. The soloists of the concert are Vadim Repin, Yuri Bashmet and Rostislav Krimer.

Vadim Repin will play on the unique Stradivarius violin (1733), which is called “Rode”. For the moment it’s some of the most expensive violin in the world and it’s costs millions of dollars. But besides cost and age, this instrument has its own inimitable history and truly unique sound, which is especially interesting to hear in the performance of an outstanding violinist, whom Yehudi Menuhin in one’s time called the most perfect violinist he ever heard.

An absolutely incredible event is planned on the opening day of the festival. The world premiere of the concerto for viola and piano with orchestra, dedicated to Yuri Bashmet and Rostislav Krimer, will be performed for the first time by the main characters themselves exactly at the festival. The work is called “Landscapes of disappearing memory (Master Arnolt Schlick)” and it was written by the Belarusian composer Valery Voronov.

This evening Yuri Bashmet will also conduct the famous works of Beethoven and Schubert, transcribed for the string orchestra by the greatest symphonist Gustav Mahler. Quartetto Serioso in F Minor, Op.95 “Death and The Maiden”.

Full details in the official website of the festival”



+375 (29) 1 463 463

+375 (29) 6 935 935 (Ticketpro)

Information provided by Ltd. “Music agency “RK GROUP”

Торжественное открытие XIII Международного фестиваля Юрия Башмета