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 Year of Improvement

“Love, spring, dreams and reveries”: soloists State Academic Choir named after G.Shirma

Date: 10.03.2021 beginning at 19:00
Category: Vocal


Soloists of the Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus

State Academic Choir named after G.Shirma

Maria Kerus soprano

Elena Komarova soprano

Olga Shevchenko mezzo-soprano

Valery Drugowskoy bass

Piano part – Lilia Grinevich

Piano duet Anastasia Shappo and Victoria Zharskaya

The concert is attended by the winner of international competitions,

soloist of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus

Claudia Potemkina soprano

Host – Olga Bogushin'ska

Program: W.A.Mozart, J.Offenbach, J.Brahms, L.Delibes, G.Bizet, G.Puccini, E.Kalman, V.Gavrilin

«Любовь, весна, мечты и грёзы...»: солисты Государственной академической хоровой капеллы им. Г.Ширмы