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 Year of Improvement

“Music therapy”: “Slavic Dumka”

Date: 21.10.2022 beginning at 19:00
Category: Chamber music

I department

V.Teravsky – “Kupalinka”

V.Zhivalevsky – “Pavey vetryk”

P.Tchaikovsky – “Autumn song” 

– Lensky’s aria from the opera “Eugene Onegin”

M.Glinka – “The Lark”

P.Tchaikovsky – “Reflection”

II department

F.Chopin – Nocturne

S.Rachmaninov – Vocalise

– “It’s good here”

P.Tchaikovsky – “Dumka”

A.Borodin – Chorus “Fly away on the wings of the wind” from the opera “Prince Igor”



The concert is attended by

Artyom Shaplyko (piano) – soloist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic, laureate of international competitions, founder of the ArtGrand private music school.

Alexander Danilov (piano) – laureate of international competitions, soloist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, artist of the Presidential Orchestra.

Yulia Ostrovskaya (vocal) – laureate of international contests, artist of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus.

Anastasia Miklas (flute) – laureate of international competitions, grant holder of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the Support of Talented Young People.

Marta Golubko (cymbals) – laureate of international competitions, soloist of the National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.I.Zhinovich.

Tatiana Lukyanova (presenter, sound instruments) – Master of Arts, teacher at ArtGrand music school.


"Музыкотерапия: Славянская думка"