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 Year of Improvement

Musical metaphor of the XXIst century “Yakub Kolas square”

Date: 13.04.2018 beginning at 19:00
Category: Modern music

To the 135th anniversary of Yakub Kolas

Musical metaphor of the XXIst century

“Yakub Kolas square”

Modern choir theatre

Author – Larisa Simakovich

Honoured Collective of the Republic of Belarus

State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus

Conductor – Honoured Artist of the Republic of Belarus

Natalia Mikhailova

Soloists – Diana Trifonova, soprano

Andrew Kuntsevich, tenor

Sergey Makhov, flute

Ivan Finsky, piano

Cinema and theatre actors –

Svetlana Zelenkovskaya

Svetlana Anikey

Minsk String Quartet




Государственный камерный хор: "Плошча Якуба Коласа", музыкальная метафора XXI века