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 Year of Improvement

“Musical Parlour” presents: “April divertimento”

Date: 01.04.2021 beginning at 19:00
Category: Chamber music

“Musical Parlour” presents

Artistic Director – Tatiana Starchenko piano


Tatiana Tretiak soprano

Natalia Akinina mezzo-soprano

Alexander Mikhnyuk tenor

Alexander Gelakh tenor

Dmitry Kapilov bass

Evgeny Vidanov flute

Viktor Puzynya clarinet

Valentina Naumenko violin

Alexey Zagorsky violin

Elizaveta Gembitskaya violin

Taisiya Losmakova violin

Ekaterina Arkhipova violin

Igor Tskhovrebov viola

Stanislav Petchenko cello

Viktor Olshevsky contrabass

Tatiana Starchenko piano

Igor Avdeev percussion instruments

Andrey Sivakov button accordion

Program: W.A.Mozart, I.Dunaevsky, A.Tsfasman, L.Anderson, A.Zatsepin, J.Kander, G.Kancheli, I.Polivoda, etc.

For more than 20 years, a concert dedicated to April 1 has been held in the “Musical Parlour” on the stage of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society. Over the years, the concert has repeatedly changed its name: “Musicians joke”, “April divertimento”, “Musicians smile”... But one thing remained unchanged: his fantastic success, his witty musical humor, the atmosphere of happiness that inspired the musicians on stage and the audience in the hall. Always – an unexpected look at the familiar and beloved classical music, always – premieres performed by the best musicians of our country, as well as – the constant author, director and participant of the concert pianist Tatiana Starchenko. This year, despite all the difficulties, will not be an exception, and the April Fools’ concert will certainly take place!

«Музыкальная гостиная» представляет: «Апрельский дивертисмент»