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 Year of Improvement

Valentine’s Day Concert: Claudia Potemkina (soprano)

Date: 14.02.2021 beginning at 16:00
Category: Vocal

Valentine’s Day Concert

laureate of international competitions, soloist of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus, winner of the BELBRAND AWARD

Claudia Potemkina soprano

In the concert take part: laureate of international competitions, soloist of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus

Alexander Mikhnyuk tenor

soloists of Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus

State Academic Choir of the Republic of Belarus named after G.Shirma

laureate of international competitions

Anastasia Shappo piano

Marina Zelenina viola

Lilia Grinevich piano

Host – Olga Bogushinska

Ко дню святого Валентина: Клавдия Потемкина (сопрано)