To the 20th anniversary of the joint creative activity of Tatiana Tsybulskaya and Tatiana Reutskaya
Head of the Singing Department of the Belarusian State Academy of Music Tatiana Tsybulskaya and class students Vladislav Bartkevich, Nadezhda Mitsevich, Zarina Fedosova, Samara Khassun, Olga Erofeeva, Alena Yakovuk, Yulia Burdeleva, Marina Sanyuk, Elizaveta Paganova
Concertmaster – diploma holder of international competitions
Tatiana Reutskaya
The concert is attended by:
Anton Korchevsky (class of Associate Professor, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus M.A. Zdanevich)
Mikhail Martinkevich flute
Ekaterina Khmyl piano
Soloist of the Honored Collective of the Republic of Belarus of the State Academic Choir named after. G.Shirma
laureate of the republican competition Olga Shevchenko mezzo-soprano
laureate of the republican competition Ekaterina Petrikova piano
Presenter – Tatiana Tsybulskaya