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 Year of Improvement

“Crystal shoe”: musical play for children

Date: 02.04.2021 beginning at 11:00
Category: Children music

Musical play for children


(based on Charles Perrault’s fairy tale “Cinderella”)

Composer and libretto’s author – Vladimir Savchik

Stage Director – Igor Petrov

Performers – laureates and diploma holders of international and national competitions, soloists of the Belarusian State Philharmonic:

Cinderella – Anna Yankovskaya soprano

Prince – Dmitry Gaidukov baritone

Fairy – Tamara Remez soprano

Stepmother – Valentina Dobrovolskaya mezzo-soprano

Older sister – Galina Sokolnik mezzo-soprano

Younger sister – Svetlana Evtukh soprano

Herald – Maxim Obrovets baritone


laureate of international competition Sergey Voynitsky piano

laureate of international competitions Natalya Zmitrovich domra

Andrey Dergay clarinet

Presenter – Nadezhda Tulinova

“Cinderella” is one of the most famous fairy tales in the folklore of different nations of the world, the plot of which is well known to each of you since childhood. A beautiful young princess named Cinderella dreams of attending a royal ball and meeting a charming young prince. But the evil Stepmother and her two capricious daughters do not let the princess to the ball. They make the unfortunate Cinderella do all the housework, prepare ball gowns for them for the celebration and help in all matters. A good Fairy comes to the princess. She feels sorry for the unfortunate girl and magically sends her to the ball in a stunningly beautiful puffy dress to meet the charming prince …

The musical performance “The Crystal Slipper” is a bright theatrical project of the Philharmonic Society for children and youth of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society. This is a lively, moving performance with a dynamic plot and wonderful, magical music.

A favorite story from childhood about the first and pure love will once again win the hearts of young viewers.



«Хрустальный башмачок»: музыкальный спектакль для детей