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 Year of Improvement

Vladimir Governor’s Symphony Orchestra, conductor – Artyom Markin, soloist – Aksinya Potemkina (piano)

Date: 15.05.2023 beginning at 18:30
Category: Symphonic music

I department

Anatoly Lyadov (1855–1904) – Polonaise for orchestra in memory of A.S. Pushkin, Op.49

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844–1908)

– Musical scenes from the opera “The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia”

II department

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873–1943) – Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor, Op.30

As part of the official visit of the Governor of the Vladimir Region of the Russian Federation A.A.Avdeev to the Republic of Belarus

Vladimir Governor’s Symphony Orchestra

Artistic director and chief conductor – Artyom Markin

Soloist – laureate of international competitions

Aksinya Potemkina piano

Conductor – Artyom Markin



On May 15, at 18:30, the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society will host a concert of the Vladimir Governor’s Symphony Orchestra as part of the official visit of the Governor of the Vladimir Region A.A.Avdeev to the Republic of Belarus. The soloist of the evening is a student of the Central Music School – Academy of Performing Arts, holder of a nominal scholarship from the Governor of the Moscow Region Aksinya Potemkin (piano).

The pianist is a laureate of many all-Russian and international competitions in Russia and abroad, including IV International Competition “Strumenti Musika” (Spoletto, Italy, 2016; Grand Prix), I Rakhmaninov International Competition for Young Pianists (Moscow, Russia, 2018; 1st prize), XI Tchaikovsky Youth Competition (Moscow, Russia, 2023; 3rd prize) and many others.


Владимирский Губернаторский симфонический оркестр, дирижёр – Артём Маркин, солистка – Аксинья Потёмкина (фортепиано)